socket report

socket report --help

  Project report related commands

    $ socket report <command>

    create            Create a project report
    view              View a project report

    --help            Print this help and exits.
    --version         Prints current version and exits.

    $ socket report --help

socket report create --help

  Create a project report

    $ socket report create <paths-to-package-folders-and-files>

  Uploads the specified "package.json" and lock files for JavaScript and Python dependency manifests.
  If any folder is specified, the ones found in there recursively. 

  Supports globbing such as "**/package.json", "**/requirements.txt", and "**/pyproject.toml".

  Ignores any file specified in your project's ".gitignore", your project's
  "socket.yml" file's "projectIgnorePaths" and also has a sensible set of
  default ignores from the "ignore-by-default" module.

    ----all           Include all issues
    ----debug         Output debug information
    ----dry-run       Only output what will be done without actually doing it
    ----json          Output result as json
    ----markdown      Output result as markdown
    ----strict        Exits with an error code if any matching issues are found
    ----view          Will wait for and return the created report
    --help            Print this help and exits.
    --version         Prints current version and exits.

    $ socket report create .
    $ socket report create '**/package.json'
    $ socket report create /path/to/a/package.json /path/to/another/package.json
    $ socket report create . --view --json

socket report view --help

  View a project report

    $ socket report view <report-identifier>

    --all             Include all issues
    --help            Print this help and exits.
    --json            Output result as json
    --markdown        Output result as markdown
    --strict          Exits with an error code if any matching issues are found
    --version         Prints current version and exits.

    $ socket report view QXU8PmK7LfH608RAwfIKdbcHgwEd_ZeWJ9QEGv05FJUQ

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