Ecosystem Support

Languages ecosystems, programming languages, package managers, and features that Socket supports

LanguagePackage manager / Build ToolSupport Level
JavaScript and TypeScriptnpm, yarn, and pnpmFull support
Pythonpip, PoetryFull support
GoGo ModulesBeta support
Java and KotlinGradle, Maven🚧 In progress (beta in Q1, GA in Q2)
RubyBundlerPlanned (Q2)
.NET (C#, F#, Visual Basic)Nuget, PaketPlanned (Q3)
RustcargoPlanned (Q4)
ElixirhexPlanned (Q4)
ScalasbtPlanned (2025 Q1)
Swift and Objective-CCocoaPods, Swift Package ManagerPlanned (2025 Q1)
PHPComposerPlanned (2025 Q2)


Vote for the languages you want us to support next!

At Socket, we're committed to expanding our ecosystem support to support diverse programming languages and package managers. We're driven by the needs of our users so if there's a language you'd like us to support, we encourage you to vote for it. Your votes directly influence our prioritization. If you're considering becoming an enterprise customer, we'd love to hear from you –  we can prioritize language support based on your needs. Please reach out to us to discuss your specific requirements.

JavaScript and TypeScript

Socket officially supports npm, yarn, and pnpm.

Package ManagerSupport LevelNotes
npmFull supportnpm versions 6, 7, 8, and 9
YarnFull supportyarn versions 1, 2, and 3
pnpmFull supportpnpm versions 5, 6, and 7


Socket fully supports npm versions 6, 7, 8, and 9.

FeatureSupport LevelNotes
npm lockfile (package-lock.json)✅ Full supportSocket supports lockfile versions 1, 2, and 3
npm workspaces✅ Full support
Package overrides✅ Full support
file: dependencies✅ Full support
shrinkwrap dependencies✅ Full support
bundled dependencies✅ Full support


Socket fully supports Yarn versions versions 1, 2, and 3.

FeatureSupport LevelNotes
Yarn lockfile (yarn.lock)✅ Full support
Yarn workspaces✅ Full support
Selective dependency resolutions (Package overrides)⏳ Planned
file: dependencies✅ Full support
shrinkwrap dependencies✅ Full support
bundled dependencies✅ Full support
Yarn protocols🚧 Partial support
Yarn plugins and Plug'n'Play⏳ Planned


Socket fully supports pnpm versions versions 5, 6, and 7.

FeatureSupport LevelNotes
pnpm lockfile (pnpm-lock.yaml)✅ Full support
pnpm workspaces✅ Full support
Package overrides/resolutions (Package overrides)✅ Full support
file: dependencies✅ Full support
shrinkwrap dependencies✅ Full support
bundled dependencies✅ Full support
pnpm protocols🚧 Partial support
pnpm patch⏳ Planned


Socket officially supports Pip and Poetry.

Package ManagementSupport LevelNotes✅ Full support
requirements files ( requirements.txt )✅ Full support
pyproject.toml ( PEP517 PEP518 PEP621 PEP660 )✅ Full support


FeatureSupport LevelNotes
Pipfile✅ Full support


FeatureSupport LevelNotes
pyproject.toml#tool.poetry✅ Full support


Socket officially supports Go in beta. Contact us to get access.


Something missing?

Please add a feature request and we will do our best to make your wish come true!