Ecosystem Support

Languages ecosystems, programming languages, package managers, and features that Socket supports

Ecosystem Maturity Levels

Socket language ecosystems are classified into three maturity levels:

  • Generally Available (GA)
  • Beta
  • Experimental

The differences are as follows:

AvailabilityAvailable for all Socket users.Available for all Socket users.Team or Enterprise plan users can contact us to get access.
Alert TypesSupports 25+ alert types (including Supply Chain Risk, CVE, Quality, Maintenance, and License types).Supports 20+ alert types (including Supply Chain Risk, CVE, Quality, Maintenance, and License types).Supports 15+ alert types (including Supply Chain Risk, CVE, Quality, Maintenance, and License types).
SupportPremium support from the Socket team. Any reported issues are resolved promptly.Support from the Socket team. Any reported issues are resolved promptly, but after GA ecosystems.Reported issues are tracked and prioritized with best effort.

Ecosystem Support

LanguagePackage managerMaturity levelNext-gen SCASocket scores
JavaScript and TypeScriptnpm, yarn, and pnpmGA✅ Supported
Pythonpip, PoetryGA✅ Supported
GoGo ModulesExperimental✅ Supported
JavaMavenGA✅ Supported
RubyBundlerBeta✅ Supported
.NET (C#, F#, Visual Basic)Nuget, Paket🚧 In Progress (Q4)🚧
Rustcargo🚧 In Progress (Q4)🚧
Swift and Objective-CCocoaPods, Swift Package ManagerPlanned (Q1)
ScalasbtPlanned (Q1)
Elixir and ErlanghexPlanned (Q1)
PHPComposerPlanned (Q1)
C and C++Conan, vcpkg, HunterPlanned (Q2)


Vote for the languages you want us to support next!

At Socket, we're committed to expanding our ecosystem support to support diverse programming languages and package managers. We're driven by the needs of our users so if there's a language you'd like us to support, we encourage you to vote for it. Your votes directly influence our prioritization. If you're considering becoming an enterprise customer, we'd love to hear from you –  we can prioritize language support based on your needs. Please reach out to us to discuss your specific requirements.

JavaScript and TypeScript

Socket officially supports npm, yarn, and pnpm.

Package ManagerSupport LevelNotes
npmSupportednpm versions 6, 7, 8, and 9
YarnSupportedyarn versions 1, 2, and 3
pnpmSupportedpnpm versions 5, 6, and 7


Socket fully supports npm versions 6, 7, 8, and 9.

FeatureSupport LevelNotes
npm lockfile (package-lock.json)✅ SupportedSocket supports lockfile versions 1, 2, and 3
npm workspaces✅ Supported
Package overrides✅ Supported
file: dependencies✅ Supported
shrinkwrap dependencies✅ Supported
bundled dependencies✅ Supported


Socket fully supports Yarn versions versions 1, 2, and 3.

FeatureSupport LevelNotes
Yarn lockfile (yarn.lock)✅ Supported
Yarn workspaces✅ Supported
Selective dependency resolutions (Package overrides)✅ Supported
file: dependencies✅ Supported
shrinkwrap dependencies✅ Supported
bundled dependencies✅ Supported
Yarn protocols🚧 Partial support
Yarn plugins and Plug'n'Play⏳ Planned


Socket fully supports pnpm versions versions 5, 6, and 7.

FeatureSupport LevelNotes
pnpm lockfile (pnpm-lock.yaml)✅ Supported
pnpm workspaces✅ Supported
Package overrides/resolutions (Package overrides)✅ Supported
file: dependencies✅ Supported
shrinkwrap dependencies✅ Supported
bundled dependencies✅ Supported
pnpm protocols🚧 Partial support
pnpm patch⏳ Planned


Socket officially supports Pip and Poetry.

Package ManagementSupport LevelNotes✅ Supported
requirements files ( requirements.txt )✅ Supported
pyproject.toml ( PEP517 PEP518 PEP621 PEP660 )✅ Supported


FeatureSupport LevelNotes
Pipfile✅ Supported
pip extras🚧 In progress (Q3)


FeatureSupport LevelNotes
pyproject.toml#tool.poetry✅ Supported


Socket officially supports Go. Contact us to get access.

Package ManagementSupport LevelNotes
Go Modules✅ Supported


Socket officially supports Java.

Package ManagementSupport LevelNotes
pom.xml✅ Supported
Super POM✅ Supported
Maven support✅ SupportedMaven Central
Gradle support✅ SupportedGradle is fully supported. Use the open source CycloneDX Gradle plugin to generate an SBOM which Socket will scan. Your Technical Account Manager can help you with this simple process.


Socket supports Ruby (in Experimental maturity). Contact us to get access.

Package ManagementSupport LevelNotes
Gemfile.lock✅ SupportedRubygems
Gemfile / *.gemspec✅ SupportedBundler is fully supported. Use the open source CycloneDX Ruby gem plugin to generate an SBOM which Socket will scan. Your Technical Account Manager can help you with this simple process.

.NET (C#, F#, Visual Basic)

.NET (C#, F#, Visual Basic) is in development. Contact us to get access.


Rust is in development. Contact us to get access.


Something missing?

Please add a feature request and we will do our best to make your wish come true!