Get all the scores and metrics by category that are used to evaluate the package version.

This endpoint is deprecated. Use the batched "Get Packages" endpoint instead.

  • depscore: The average of all score factors. (0-1)
  • supplyChainRisk: Score factors relating to supply chain security (0-1)
  • downloadCount: The number of downloads for the package. Higher downloads contribute to a higher score.
  • supplyChainRiskIssueLow/Mid/High/Critical: The number of supply chain risk issues of varying severity. Lower numbers contribute to a higher score.
  • dependencyCount: The number of production dependencies. Lower count contributes to a higher score.
  • devDependencyCount: The number of development dependencies. Lower count contributes to a higher score.
  • transitiveDependencyCount: The number of transitive dependencies. Lower count contributes to a higher score.
  • totalDependencyCount: The total number of dependencies (production + development + transitive). Lower count contributes to a higher score.
  • quality: Score factors relating to code quality (0-1)
  • qualityIssueLow/Mid/High/Critical: The number of code quality issues of varying severity. Lower numbers contribute to a higher score.
  • linesOfCode: The number of lines of code in the package. Lower count contributes to a higher score.
  • readmeLength: The length of the package's README file. Longer READMEs contribute to a higher score.
  • maintenance: Score factors relating to package maintenance (0-1)
  • maintainerCount: The number of maintainers for the package. More maintainers contribute to a higher score.
  • versionsLastWeek/Month/TwoMonths/Year: The number of versions released in different time periods. More recent releases contribute to a higher score.
  • versionCount: The total number of versions released. Higher count contributes to a higher score.
  • maintenanceIssueLow/Mid/High/Critical: The number of maintenance issues of varying severity. Lower numbers contribute to a higher score.
  • vulnerability: Score factors relating to package vulnerabilities (0-1)
  • vulnerabilityIssueLow/Mid/High/Critical: The number of vulnerability issues of varying severity. Lower numbers contribute to a higher score.
  • dependencyVulnerabilityCount: The number of vulnerabilities in the package's dependencies. Lower count contributes to a higher score.
  • vulnerabilityCount: The number of vulnerabilities in the package itself. Lower count contributes to a higher score.
  • license: Score factors relating to package licensing (0-1)
  • licenseIssueLow/Mid/High/Critical: The number of license issues of varying severity. Lower numbers contribute to a higher score.
  • licenseQuality: A score indicating the quality/permissiveness of the package's license. Higher quality contributes to a higher score.
  • miscellaneous: Miscellaneous metadata about the package version.
  • versionAuthorName/Email: The name and email of the version author.
  • fileCount: The number of files in the package.
  • byteCount: The total size in bytes of the package.
  • typeModule: Whether the package declares a "type": "module" field.

This endpoint consumes 1 unit of your quota.

This endpoint requires the following org token scopes:

  • Any
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