Get score by package

Get all the scores and metrics by category that are used to evaluate the package version.

This endpoint is deprecated. Use the batched "Get Packages" endpoint instead.

  • depscore: The average of all score factors. (0-1)
  • supplyChainRisk: Score factors relating to supply chain security (0-1)
  • downloadCount: The number of downloads for the package. Higher downloads contribute to a higher score.
  • supplyChainRiskIssueLow/Mid/High/Critical: The number of supply chain risk issues of varying severity. Lower numbers contribute to a higher score.
  • dependencyCount: The number of production dependencies. Lower count contributes to a higher score.
  • devDependencyCount: The number of development dependencies. Lower count contributes to a higher score.
  • transitiveDependencyCount: The number of transitive dependencies. Lower count contributes to a higher score.
  • totalDependencyCount: The total number of dependencies (production + development + transitive). Lower count contributes to a higher score.
  • quality: Score factors relating to code quality (0-1)
  • qualityIssueLow/Mid/High/Critical: The number of code quality issues of varying severity. Lower numbers contribute to a higher score.
  • linesOfCode: The number of lines of code in the package. Lower count contributes to a higher score.
  • readmeLength: The length of the package's README file. Longer READMEs contribute to a higher score.
  • maintenance: Score factors relating to package maintenance (0-1)
  • maintainerCount: The number of maintainers for the package. More maintainers contribute to a higher score.
  • versionsLastWeek/Month/TwoMonths/Year: The number of versions released in different time periods. More recent releases contribute to a higher score.
  • versionCount: The total number of versions released. Higher count contributes to a higher score.
  • maintenanceIssueLow/Mid/High/Critical: The number of maintenance issues of varying severity. Lower numbers contribute to a higher score.
  • vulnerability: Score factors relating to package vulnerabilities (0-1)
  • vulnerabilityIssueLow/Mid/High/Critical: The number of vulnerability issues of varying severity. Lower numbers contribute to a higher score.
  • dependencyVulnerabilityCount: The number of vulnerabilities in the package's dependencies. Lower count contributes to a higher score.
  • vulnerabilityCount: The number of vulnerabilities in the package itself. Lower count contributes to a higher score.
  • license: Score factors relating to package licensing (0-1)
  • licenseIssueLow/Mid/High/Critical: The number of license issues of varying severity. Lower numbers contribute to a higher score.
  • licenseQuality: A score indicating the quality/permissiveness of the package's license. Higher quality contributes to a higher score.
  • miscellaneous: Miscellaneous metadata about the package version.
  • versionAuthorName/Email: The name and email of the version author.
  • fileCount: The number of files in the package.
  • byteCount: The total size in bytes of the package.
  • typeModule: Whether the package declares a "type": "module" field.

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